이 책은 현대 한국 사회와 사회 제도에 대한 연구논문들을 엮은 것으로, 현대 한국 사회에 대해 공부하는 이들을 위한 좋은 입문서이다. 한국의 문화와 가족, 교육, 경제, 젠더, 종교에 이르기까지 한국 사회의 다양한 주제들을 아우르고 있다. 특히 한국사회의 중요한 변화와 동향을 통찰하는 데 역점을 두어, 가부장제와 고령화, 인종적 다양성, 교육열, 도시화, 반미주의 등에 주목하고 있다.
해외에서 한국에 대한 학문적 및 대중적 관심이 매우 커지고 있다는 점에서 이 책의 출판은 시의적절하다. 동시대 한국의 정치, 경제, 문화를 다루고 있는 영문 도서는 꽤 많이 출간되었으나 영문으로 간행된 한국 사회 관련 연구서는 몇 안 되는 것이 사실이다. 이 책은 한국학을 영어로 가르치는 이들에게 좋은 강의자료가 되어줄 것이고, 또한 연구자들을 비롯해 한국에 대해 관심을 지닌 이들에게 한국 사회에 대한 전반적이고 깊은 이해의 통로 구실을 할 것이다.
Introduction : Andrew Eungi Kim
Trends and Changes in Contemporary Korean Society
Part I. Culture
Chapter 1 : Wŏnsik Hong
Korean’s Formation of Relationships Based on Uri (“We”) and its Philosophical Background
Chapter 2 : Andrew Eungi Kim
Nation-Building in South Korea: The Role of Civil Religion in the Making of National Identity and Community
Part II. Family
Chapter 3 : Sug-In Kweon
The Extended Family in Contemporary Korea: Changing Patterns of Co-residence
Chapter 4 : Eunhee Kim
“Home is a Place to Rest”: Constructing the Meaning of Work, Family and Gender in the Korean Middle Class
Part III. Gender Inequality
Chapter 5 : Jiyeoun Song
Activating Women in the Labor Market: The Development of South Korea’s Female-Friendly Employment and Labor Market Policies
Chapter 6 : Hee-Kang Kim
Locating Feminism beyond Gender and Culture: A Case of the Family-head System in South Korea
Part IV. Education
Chapter 7 : Young-Kyun Yang
Education and Family in Korean Society
Chapter 8 : Doobo Shim and Joseph Sung-Yul Park
Cultural Politics of Language and the “English Fever” in South Korea
Part V. Religion
Chapter 9 : Sung-Eun T. Kim
Korean Buddhist Religiosity and the Adoption of Korean Traditional Religious Ethos: Preserving the Korean Traditional Sacred Geography
Chapter 10 : Andrew Eungi Kim
Christianity in Korea and Japan: Cultural and Socio-political Factors for Dissimilar Impacts
Chapter 11 : Kil-myung Ro
New Religions and Social Change in Modern Korean History
Part VI. Aging
Chapter 12 : Andrew Eungi Kim
The Ageing of Korea: Trends, Causes and Implications.
Chapter 13 : Keongsuk Park
Consecrating or Desecrating Filial Piety?: Korean Elder Care and the Politics of Family Support
Part VII. Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Korea and Multiculturalism
Chapter 14 : Hyuk-Rae Kim
Contested Governance in the Making of Multicultural Societies: Labor Migration and International Marriages in South Korea
Chapter 15 : In-Jin Yoon
Multicultural Minority Groups and Multicultural Coexistence in Korean Society
Part VIII. Hallyu (The Korean Wave)
Chapter 16 : Ingyu Oh
Hallyu (the Korean Wave): Worldwide Popularity of Korean Popular culture
Chapter 17 : Woongjo Chang and Shin-Eui Park
Hallyu, the Korean Wave: Cultivating a Global Fandom
Part IX. Urbanization
Chapter 18 : Tai-hwan Kwon
The Trends and Patterns of Urbanward Migration in Korea, 1960-1985
Chapter 19 : Ik Ki Kim
Socioeconomic Concentration in the Seoul Metropolitan Area and its Implications in the Urbanization Process of Korea
Part X. Economy
Chapter 20 : Jaymin Lee
A Half Century of Korean Economic Development: 1952-2002
Chapter 21: Min-Ho Kuk
Consolidation of the Developmental State and Chaebols in Korea: After the 1997 Economic Crisis
Part XI. Anti-Americanism
Chapter 22 : Sangtu Ko
The Causes of Fluctuating Anti-Americanism in South Korea
Chapter 23 : Kisuk Cho
A Model on the Rise and Decline of South Korean Anti-American Sentiment
Part XII. North Korea & Unification
Chapter 24 : Stefan Niederhafner
The Internal Economic, Political, and Social Challenges of Reunification: Why South Korea Cannot Follow Germany’s Strategy
Chapter 25 : In-ae Hyun
Analyzing the Structure of the North Korean Leader Myth and Creating the Kim Jong-un Myth
저자 : Edited by Andrew Eungi Kim
Andrew Eungi Kim is Professor in the Division of International Studies at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. He urrently serves as the Dean of both the Graduate School of International Studies and the Division of International Studies at the same university. He also serves as the Editor of Asian Journal of Religion and Society. While his primary research interests broadly pertain to culture, sociolog... more