HO-MIN SOHN is Professor of Korean linguistics and Director of the Korean Language Flagship Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) and President of the Korean Language Education and Research Center, Inc. which has developed twenty Korean language textbooks.
He is a past chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (1993-2000) and a past director of the Center for Korean Studies (2004-10) at UHM and a past president of both the International Circle of Korean Linguistics (1979-81) and of the American Association of Teachers of Korean (1994-7). His numerous publications include Korean Language in Culture and Society (2006), The Korean Language (1999), Korean: Descriptive Grammar (1994), Linguistic Expeditions (1986), Woleaian- English Dictionary (1976), Woleaian Reference Grammar (1975), and A Ulithian Grammar (1973).
하와이대학교에서 언어학박사 학위를 취득했고, 현재 동 대학교 동아시아어문학과 교수겸 한국어플래그십센터 소장으로 재직 중이다. 저서로는 The Korean Language(Cambridge 대학 출판), Korean(영국 Routledge 출판), Linguistic expeditions(한신 출판), Woleaian Reference Grammar(하와이대학 출판), A Ulithian Grammar(호주 국립대학 출판) 등이 있다.