현 고려대학교 국제학부 교수로서, 캐나다 알버타주에서 중·고등교육을 마친 뒤 알버타대학 사회학과를 졸업하고 토론토대학교에서 사회학 석·박사학위를 취득했다. 문화, 종교, 사회변화, 비교문화 등이 주요 연구 분야이다.
Andrew Eungi Kim (Ph.D in Sociology, University of Toronto) is Professor in the Division of International Studies at Korea University. His primary research interests broadly pertain to culture, sociology of religion, ethnic studies, social change, and comparative sociology. His articles have appeared in Social Indicators Research, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Asian Survey, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Social Compass, Korea Observer, Sociology of Religion, Social History, Review of Religious Research, and Korea Journal, among others. He is presently completing work on a book manuscript which examines the impact of rapid industrialization, modernization and globalization on the shaping of contemporary Korean society.