Edited by Andrew Eungi Kim

Andrew Eungi Kim is Professor in the Division of International Studies at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. He urrently serves as the Dean of both the Graduate School of International Studies and the Division of International Studies at the same university. He also serves as the Editor of Asian Journal of Religion and Society. While his primary research interests broadly pertain to culture, sociology of religion, ethnic studies, social change, and comparative sociology, he has written numerous articles on Korean Christianity, multiculturalism, Hallyu (the Korean Wave), civil religion, and Canada. His recent publications include Contemporary Korean Culture: The Persistence of Shamanistic and Confucian Values and Practices (2015).

WoongJo Chang is Assistant Professor in the Department of Arts and Cultural Management at Hongik University, Seoul, Korea. Before joining Hongik University, he taught in the Arts Leadership Program at Seattle University in Washington, USA. He studied performing arts at Seoul National University. His research is focused on small arts organizations’ entrepreneurial practices and their uses of IT. His recent works have appeared in books and journals, such as inPioneering Minds Worldwide,theJournal of Arts Management,andLaw and Society. Email: [email protected]

Kisuk Cho is Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. She is the Director of the Public Diplomacy Center of Ewha Womans University. She published numerous books and articles including “A Global Leadership Model and Its Empirical Applicability”; “Why Does Trust Mediate the Effect of Ethical and Authentic Leadership in Korean Firms?” and “Two Component Model of General Trust.” Email: [email protected]

Wŏnsik Hong is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. His primary research interests broadly pertain to Korean and Chinese Confucian philosophy, history of Confucian philosophy, and Confucianism in modern society. Recent publications include Head Family of Heobaekjung Hong Guidal at Munguyng (2012) and Korean Modern Philosophy (2016). He is presently completing a book on Toegye Shimhak as Korean appropriation of Chinese Neo-Confucianism. Email: [email protected]

In-Ae Hyun is a Visiting Research Fellow at both the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) and the Ewha Institute of Unification Studies, Seoul, Korea. She received her Degree in Philosophy from Kim Il Sung University and taught Juche Philosophy at Najin Naval College and Chongjin Medical college, North Korea. Arriving in South Korea in 2004, she received her M.A. and Ph.D. in North Korean Studies from Ewha Womans University. She was a visiting scholar at George Mason University and was a Visiting Fellow at the National Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, Washington, D.C. Her recent publications include “Examining Changes in Discourse and Policy for North Korean Woman in the Rodong Sinmun”; and “North Koreans’ Empowerment:
Actor Dynamics.” Email: [email protected]

Hee-Kang Kim is Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. Her research and teaching interests are justice theory, ethics of care, normative policy analysis, and feminist theory. Her recent publications include Normative Policy Analysis (in Korean, 2016); “Is the Long-Term Insurance in South Korea a Socialising Care Policy?”; and “Western Feminism and Korean Feminism.” Email: [email protected]

Hyuk-Rae Kim is Professor of Korean Studies Program in the Graduate School of International Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He is also Series Editor-in-Chief of the Routledge Studies on Modern Korea. His research interests pertain to East Asian economic/social governance, migration, civil society, and NGOs. Recent book publications include State-centric to Contested Social Governance in Korea: Shifting Power (2013); Korean Studies Forum (2008, 2010); Modern Korean Society: Its Development and Prospect (2007); Mad Technology: How East Asian Companies are Defending Their Technological Advantages (2005); and many academic journal articles. E-mail: [email protected]

Ik Ki Kim is Xinao International Outstanding Professor at RenminUniversityofChina, Beijing, China. He has written extensively on changing demographics, fertility and the ageing of population in Korea, Japan and China. He was Professor in the Department of Sociology atDonggukUniversity, Seoul, Korea. He was also Visiting Scholar in both the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Michigan and Sophia  University, Tokyo, Japan. Email: [email protected]

Sung-Eun T. Kim is Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He has previously held a teaching and researcher position at the Leiden University Institute for Asian Studies and a researcher position at the Center for Religious Studies at Seoul National University. His recent publications include “Perception of Monastic Slaves by Scholar-Officials and Monks in the Late Koryŏ and Early Chosŏn Periods” (2016) and “A Shared Cultural Realm: the Literary Exchanges between Scholar-Officials and Poet Monks in the Late Joseon Period” (2015) E-mail: [email protected]

Yi Eunhee Kim received her Ph.D in Anthropology from the University of Chicago and had worked as Associate Researcher at the Academy of Korean Studies. She has written many articles and books on such issues as Korean kinship and family, gender, childhood, and work culture. Email: [email protected]

Sangtu Ko is Professor in the Graduate School for Area Studies at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He has also served as chairperson of the Research Committee of the International Political Science Association. His research interests focus on foreign policy and international relations, particularly peace, nuclear non-proliferation, and regional integration. He has written extensively on these topics and his articles have appeared in such peerreviewed journals as Asia-Europe Journal, Issues & Studies, Korea Observer, and International Peacekeeping. Email [email protected]

Min-Ho Kuk is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, and specializes in social change, comparative sociology, sociology of religion, and social problems. He was a Visiting Professor at the Center for Korean Studies, University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of East Asian Development and Confucian Culture (2007); State-led Industrialization and Confucianism in East Asia (1999); and Political Institution and Economic Success in the Newly Industrialized Countries of the East Asia (1995). Email: [email protected]

Sug-In Kweon is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. She has been interested in the issue of identity politics, in particular, building of identities of marginal groups in modern Japan, migration and diaspora, Japanese settlers in colonial Korea, ethnic Korean minorities in Japan, and gender and society. Her recent works include Gender and Japanese Society (2016); New Past, Old Present: Traditional Culture and Arts in Contemporary Japan (2011); Multicultural Japan and Identity Politics (2010); “Japanese Female Settlers in Colonial Korea” (2014); and “Princess Masako’s Ordeal and the Crisis of Japanese Imperial House” (2013). E-mail: [email protected]

Tai-Hwan Kwon is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. He was Visiting Professor at Brown University. He published numerous books and articles including Urbanization and Urban Problems in Korea (2006); Understanding Population (2002); and Korean Population and Family (1995). E-mail: [email protected]

Jaymin Lee is Professor Emeritus in the School of Economics at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. A graduate of Yonsei University, he received his Ph.D in Economics from Harvard University. His main areas of research include development economics, economic history, and history of economic thoughts. His recent publications include Korean Economic Development in the Last 70 Years (2015); and Policy Directions and Basic Tasks of the Financial Sector and the Restructuring of Corporations (2003). Email: [email protected]

Stefan Niederhafner is lecturer at SciencesPo and is founder and managing director of SUDECO (www.sudeco.eu), a consultancy offering strategic foresight for sustainable transformation to public and private organizations. His primary research fields are energy and climate change politics, governance in complex multilevel systems, and glocal politics. Recent publications include “Honest Broker Korea? The G20 Meeting in Seoul and the International Perception of South Korea as a Global Actor”; “Comparing Functions of Transnational City Networks in Europe and Asia”; and “The Korean Energy and GHG Target Management System: An Alternative to Kyoto-Protocol Emissions Trading Systems?” Email: [email protected].

Ingyu Oh is Professor of Hallyu Studies at the Research Institute of Korean Studies, Korea University, Seoul, Korea. His primary research interests include economic sociology, cultural sociology, ethnic studies, innovation, and international business. Recent publications include “The State as a Regulator of Business Ethics: The Tokugawa Authority Structure and Private Interests”; “Economic Miracle”; and “A League of their Own:Female Hallyu Fans and Korea-Japan Relations.” He is presently completing a translation of John Lie’s six-volume set into Korean. Email: [email protected].

Joseph Sung-Yul Park is Associate Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at National University of Singapore. His research interests include language and globalization, language ideology, and international linguistics. Through his recent work, he has been exploring the role of global English in identity construction within Asian contexts, with a particular focus on South Korea. . His books include The Local Construction of a Global Language (2009) and Markets of English (2012, with Lionel Wee). E-mail: [email protected]

Keongsuk Park is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Her main research areas are demography and gerontology. She has done extensive researches on the population of North Korea and South Korea, family change, the elderly life, and population-related social problems in East Asia. Address: Department of Sociology, College of Social Science, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-Ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 151- 742. Email: [email protected]

Shin-Eui Park is Associate Professor in the Department of Arts & Cultural Management at Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea. Park studied Art History toward a DEA at the University of Paris and received a Ph.D. in Culture Management from Inha University in South Korea. Park has engaged in various arts advocacy activities in Arts Council Korea and the Presidential Commission on Policy Planning. As an author of many books and journal articles, her research focus has been on arts management, cultural policy, and the social impact of the arts. E-mail: [email protected]

Kil-myung Ro is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at Korea University, Sejong, Korea. His primary research interests broadly pertain to sociology of religion, new religious movements in Korea, and modern history of Korean Catholic Church. His publications include New Religions in Korea (1988); Catholicism and Change of late Chosun Dynasty (1988); Religious Consciousness and Religious Life of Korean Catholics (1989); Religious Movements in Korea (2005); and Modern History and Catholic Church in Korea (2005). Email: [email protected]

Doobo Shim is Professor in the Department of Media & Communication at Sungshin University, Seoul, Korea. He does research on the media and communication within critical, cultural and historical perspectives, and his recent research has focused on Korean and Asian popular culture. He is currently the president of the Korean Speech and Communication Association and is an editorial board member of many academic journals including Journal of Fandom Studies and Communication, Culture & Critique. Email: [email protected]

Jiyeoun Song is Associate Professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Her research lies at the intersection of comparative political economy and social welfare policy, with a regional focus on East Asia. She is the author of Inequality in the Workplace: Labor Market Reform in Japan and Korea (Cornell University Press, 2014) and articles in Governance, Social Policy & Administration, Asian Survey, Journal of East Asian Studies, and other outlets. Email: [email protected]

Young-Kyun Yang is Professor of Anthropology at the Academy of Korean Studies, Seongnam, Korea. He is interested in social and cultural phenomena in contemporary Korean society. His specific research areas include urban local communities, Chinese food and restaurants in Seoul, ethnic relations of Korean Chinese and Korean American, and Hallyu. He is a co-author of recent books, including Re-orienting Cuisine: East Asian Cuisine in the Twenty-first Century; How Urban Local Communities are Formed in Contemporary Korea; and Tourism in East Asia: Modernity, Continuity and Change. Email: [email protected]

In-Jin Yoon is Professor in the Department of Sociology at Korea University, Seoul, Korea. He taught in the Asian American Studies Department at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His primary research areas include social psychology, minority studies, international migration, and multiculturalism. His major publications include On My Own: Korean Businesses and Race Relations in America (1997); Korean Diaspora (2004); North Korean Migrants (2007); International Migration and Multiculturalism in Northeast Asia (2013); and History of Koreans Abroad (2013). Email: [email protected]