Korean Culture : Confucianism, Shamanism and Other Habits of the Heart
[절판] Who are Koreans? What is their character? What are the…
Introduction to International Development Cooperation
우리나라는 2010년 선진 공여국 그룹인 경제협력개발기구(OECD) 개발원조위원회(DAC)의 24번째 회원국이 되었다. 한국전쟁…
Korean Hedges in Spoken Discourse: Sociopragmatic and Pragmalinguistic Perspectives
As summarized in the preface of the book, Dr. Yoon’s research,…
Rise of Korean Language Programs in U.S. Institute of Higher Education :A Narrative History
Through the stories presented in this book, we learn that Korean…
Revolution and Change :A Comparative Study of the April Student Revolution of 1960 and the May Military Coup d’état of 1961 in Korea
This book is my Ph.D dissertation on two epochal political upheavals,…
Perceiving Syllables and Contrasts :Second Language Learning Perspectives
My aim in this book is not to redefine ‘Standard Korean’…
Mongering North Korean Democracy for Inter-Korean Peace :Democratization in North Korea and Inter-Korean Peace
We have written this book on the possibility of inter-Korean peace…
Power Up Korean Vocabulary
“Power Up Korean Vocabulary” is full of essential information that beginning…